Akshara Saxena is conquering the digital world even after not being from this background, know her success story

Akshara Saxena
Every entrepreneur wants to conquer their field but not every one has been able to do so. But those who conquer their field becomes role model for todays youth. Eventually after being from a different background it is very difficult to become one of the best entrepreneur. Today we are going to introduce to a lady entrepreneur who came from a different background but conquering this field and becoming India’s biggest and result-oriented entrepreneur.
So today let’s know about the youngest entrepreneur Akshara Saxena, she was born and brought up in Kota, Rajasthan. Akshara was born on 14 September and shifted to Delhi in 2016. She has completed her post graduation from commerce. She recently started her own business even after not being from this background and went very far in succeeding taking her every clients with her.
It is quite astounding to see how quickly companies and brands are growing in every sphere of society. These developments, the positive changes that have taken place in numerous industries, and the growth of organisations can be attributed to a number of factors in which Akshara in continuously working.
Before starting her own business Akshara was a manager of a well-known influencer then she thought that she’s very keen and interested in digital marketing, PR, branding and advertising. Then she thought of becoming her own boss and she started her own networking business named ‘The BELL ICON.’
The BELL ICON is a Sole proprietorship firm which mainly provides the services of Social media trends, Content creation, (copywriting, graphic design, etc), Community growth and management, Content strategy, Branding, Content publishing & scheduling, Competitor analysis and User research and slowly they became to known as one of the best result-oriented firm. The BELL ICON is a 360° creative… They provide all services related to digital marketing, social media marketing, photoshoots, personal branding, influencer marketing and other types of digital services.
Every entrepreneur has to deal with new clients and people everyday as they sets a example by working hard and struggling in their career to reach at such a phase of life. While talking about how she feels while working with new people, Akshara said- “I love working with new people as every person has their own perspective which gives me different ideas to improve myself and that’s why I’m in this field and working hard to make every youth of the country independent.”
Talking about her future planes, Akshara said, I’m planning to bring a Podcast series, which is her dream project too and she’s doing all this for the youth of the country.
Akshara is sole-made entrepreneur whose motive behind her work are her clients, colleagues and team. Who were with her from the very beginning. The reason behind her success is her hard work which she has accomplished while reaching in this position and setting an example for today’s youth.
The reputation young entrepreneur Akshara owns in this industry is all due to her words and commitments and the results she provides through her firm The BELL ICON to her clients. The BELL ICON is also a MSME registered company.
Recent this one of India’s youngest entrepreneurs Akshara Saxena was also invited to a Delhi which was to be held on 14th January at Hotel Southgate Green park, New Delhi as a special guest. Instagram: https://instagram.com/saxenaakshara?igshid=ZmZhODViOGI=